Ultoo scripts AutomaT!cally
ULtoO latest working Firefox Script for ultoo auto poll and answer it Many people requested us to share ultoo auto poll and answer-it script so today we are here to shearing a latest working ultoo auto poll trick :click here: Ultoo Script By DjuGnu How to use ultoo scripts to make it automatically works Steps For Firefox Browser 1. Install this addon (greasemonkey) - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/ 2. After install restart firefox, and then install this ultoo script - http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/161997 3. After successfull install, restart firfox. 4. After restart firefox, open sms.ultoo.com & login and wait for few minutes. 5. See magic your sms autimatically sending, giving ques's ans, and giving polls ans. 6. Enjoy J Note: Check back http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/161997 daily to get updated version. ;) First remove previous version and then download up...